It’s a simple proposition: Build us a new building, even something as simple as a parking garage, and you can have the old one. That old building might be an office tower, a courthouse, or some…
Category: GAO
Alternative Approaches to Funding for Federal Real Property
A recent bounce in GSA’s funds from Congress has modestly improved the agency’s ability to reduce the federal footprint and shift more toward owned space, as we discussed earlier this month. But the slight budget relief…
GAO Report Urges Greater Focus on Ownership
In September, the GAO issued the latest in a long series of reports concluding that GSA’s leasing strategy is flawed. This report, entitled “Greater Transparency and Strategic Focus Needed for High-Value Leases”, studied the 218 largest leases in…
GAO Report Recommends Better Planning for Future BRAC Rounds
After completing a comprehensive analysis of BRAC 2005—the “biggest, most complex, costliest BRAC round ever”—the Government Accountability Office has released a report identifying a series of lessons learned that could be applied if Congress chooses to authorize…
GAO Report Lists Federal Real Property Management as One of 30 “High-Risk” Areas
Since 1990, the Government Accountability Office has been reporting on federal government operations that it identifies as “high risk” because of their greater vulnerabilities to fraud, waste and mismanagement; its biennial reports aim to help the…